Getting Involved


LMU is committed to building a community based on the creed of the Lion's Code where individuals act with integrity, stand in faith and serve one another. Student safety is LMU's top priority and LMU has zero tolerance for sexual or interpersonal misconduct.

LMU CARES (Loyola Marymount University's Campus Awareness Resource Education Services) provides education to the campus community about resources, support and policies at the university regarding sexual and interpersonal misconduct and prevention. ‌

If you would like to get involved with LMU CARES, please contact:

Office: Malone Student Center 403
Phone: (310) 258-4381
Email: [email protected]

Click here for more information about Bystander Intervention and how you can help prevent sexual and interpersonal misconduct.


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  • Surviving in Numbers: Provides education and empowerment through workshops and storytelling.
  • Know Your IX: Educates students on their school’s obligations to address sexual assault under Title IX and empowers them to take action if their school fails to meet those obligations.
  • End Rape On Campus : Helps students file complaints against their school for mishandling sexual assault reports.
  • Futures Without Violence: Addresses sexual and domestic violence in communities through policy development, educational programs, and public action campaigns.
  • Clery Center for Security on Campus: Works to make schools safer through survivor advocacy and prevention education.
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center: Provides education and resources on sexual assault.
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